Friday, June 1, 2007

The Empty Nest

It's much quieter behind the scenes on the Phenology Show. The nest is empty. Monday afternoons get espescially intense in March, April and May. That's when elementary and middle school students from all over the KAXE listening area "file" their phenology reports via e-mail and the talkback line. John Latimer and I read and edit them. Sometimes John doesn't finish organizing the talkbacks until a few minutes before air time at 6:45 Tuesday mornings. Now the school year is ending and the students will scatter. Mondays will be less hectic, but we already miss the hubbub.

As winter ends, the students and our older members of KAXE's phenology network, witness and report the incredible awakening. It's like a huge engine starting up. Now we're in high gear. There's still lots to report. Keep those calls and letters coming.

Thanks to these students and teachers who contributed so much during the last school year:
Ms. Magner's 5th graders at Hill City; Mr. Holmes and Mr. Cremer's 5th graders at Roosevelt Elementary School in Virginia; Ken Perry's students in the Forestview Middle School Bird Club in Baxter; Ms. Otteson's 5th graders at the Connor-Jasper Middle school in Bovey; Mr. Lavalier's 4th graders at the Cohasset School; Mr. Sipper's 5th graders at the Cuyuna Range Elementary School in Deerwood; Ms. Gephart's 4th graders at North Elementary School near Spring Lake; Ms. Johnson's 4th graders at SW School in Grand Rapids; Ms. Maki's, Mr. Owen's and Mr. Clusiau's students at Lincoln Elementary School in Hibbing; and Maggie from BO-VEE!

During the school year, John leads hikes and does programs in the schools. You can hear some of their recent reports on audio highlights at the bottom of our web page.


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