Monday, June 4, 2007

KAXE-rs voices on CBS

Last summer, Aaron Brown and I did some recording of "midwest voices" for a project for Aardman Animation. They are the people behind the Wallace and Gromit/Creatures Comforts/Nick Parks creations. Don't know it? They tape real people and create clay animals that speak the words. What they come up with is hilarious.

Some folks from the Iron Range and KAXE members/volunteers Julie Crabb, her daughter Megan and sister Betsy as well as our friend Egon Humemberger, were picked to be voices on the show. The Duluth News Tribune did a feature on Creature Comforts today - and it made it's debut at 7pm on CBS. Unfortunately, none of the KAXE voices were heard in the first edition. Stay tuned on Monday nights throughout the summer!


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